
Spicy Peanut Sauce

Spicy Peanut Sauce

Below you will find our recipe:

Ingredients Qty
Habanero pepper 5 pcs
Tomato 1 piece
Peanuts 1/2 cup
Onion 1/4 piece
Garlic clove 1 piece
Olive Oil 1/4 cup
Salt to taste


  1. Roast the habanero peppers, garlic, onion and tomato
  2. In another pan roast half a cup of peanuts; stirring occasionally
  3. Place all the ingredients into a blender, season with salt and add a little bit of water 
  4. While mixing, add slowly the olive oil. Blend until the sauce has a creamy consistency
  5. Place the sauce in a container and enjoy!

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