


The use of Swirski is recommended as a preventive method or when the first symptoms of a pest are observed. It can be used for the biological control of young larvae of different species of thrips, as well as eggs and larvae of whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum y Bemisia tabaci) and red spider mites

How do they work?

For a period of several weeks, the predatory mites multiply inside the sachet and disperse throughout the crop (the sachets already have an exit hole) in search of prey. They use their mouthparts to puncture the prey and suck out their contents.

How can I apply it?  

  1. Without being exposed to direct sunlight, hang the sachets in protected areas within the crop.
  2. The sachets should be handled by the cardboard strip at the top to avoid damaging the predatory mites.

Our hydroponic greenhouses, Hyfood, are controlled using beneficial organisms, and one of the well-known ones within our biological control is the famous Swirski.The Swirski mites come in small packages where we place 2 or 3 in specific areas, and from there, the "little bugs" start emerging and settle onto the plants. Once they are established, they begin to reproduce and spread throughout the entire plant. This is a pest that we intentionally want to reproduce to create a symbiotic ecosystem in which the whiteflies and thrips come, and the Swirski mites feed on these pests. By doing so, we avoid the use of agrochemicals or pesticides.

To obtain these beneficial organisms, it is necessary to contact companies specializing in this field. In our case, we have a supplier named KOPPERT who not only provides us with the beneficial organisms but also guides us throughout the process, advising us on implementation, propagation methods, and how to maintain them throughout the entire cycle.

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