
Habanero Chocolate Bars

Habanero Chocolate Bars

If you’re a fan of adventurous chocolate flavors, these dark chocolate bars with habanero and orange zest are for you. The blend of fiery habanero heat and refreshing citrus zest creates a unique and exciting flavor experience. Perfect for those who seek a sweet treat that pushes the boundaries of taste, these bars are not only delicious but also a true delight for the senses.

Below you will find our recipe

Habanero Pepper 1-2 pcs
dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher)200 g
Sugar2 tbsp
nuts or almonds (optional)1/4 cup
Orange zest (optional)1 piece
  1. Wash the habanero peppers and slice them thinly, removing seeds if you prefer less heat. Use gloves to handle the peppers and avoid touching your face, especially your eyes.
  2. In a small pan over low heat, toast the habanero slices for 2-3 minutes until they release their aroma. This will help intensify the flavor.
  3. Wash the orange and finely zest the peel, avoiding the bitter white pith. If you don’t have a zester, you can use a peeler and then finely chop the zest.
  4. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in a heatproof bowl. Melt it in the microwave in 20-second intervals, stirring between intervals, or over a double boiler until completely melted and smooth.
  5. Stir the habanero slices into the melted chocolate and mix well. If using sugar to balance the heat, add it now and stir until fully dissolved.
  6. If desired, add nuts or almonds to the chocolate and mix to distribute them evenly.
  7. Pour the chocolate mixture into a bar mold or a tray lined with parchment paper, spreading it evenly.
  8. Before the chocolate sets, sprinkle the orange zest over the top. You can lightly press with a spatula to help it stick.
  9. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until the chocolate is fully set.
  10. Once the chocolate is set, remove it from the mold or parchment paper and cut it into bars.

Enjoy these chocolate bars with habanero and a refreshing touch of orange zest!

Discover here all the varieties of peppers we cultivate in our greenhouses.

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