
Mango Habanero Chicken Thighs

Mango Habanero Chicken Thighs

Below you will find our recipe:

Ingredients Qty
Chicken thighs 2 pounds
Garlic powder 1 tbsp
Onion powder 1 tbsp
Paprika 2 tsp
Salt 1 tsp
black pepper 1/2 tsp
Habanero pepper 4 pcs
Mango 1 piece
Garlic cloves 4 pcs
Honey 4 tbsp
Turmeric 1/2 tsp
  1. Season the chicken thighs with garlic powder, onion powder, salt and pepper. Add the chicken to the grill and cook
  2. Grill the habanero peppers
  3. In a blender, add mango and a little bit of water. Then add the habanero peppers, garlic cloves, honey, turmeric and a little bit of salt, and blend everything together
  4. In a saucepan with olive oil, add the mango habanero sauce. Then add the chicken thighs and let it rest.
  5. Serve the chicken thighs and pour over the remaining sauce. Enjoy!



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