
Roasted Pineapple Habanero Sauce

Roasted Pineapple Habanero Sauce

Below you will find our recipe:

Ingredients Qty
Habanero pepper 2 pcs
Pineapple 1/2 cup
Garlic 2 dientes de ajo
Red onion 1/4 piece
Cilantro 1/4 cup
Lime 2 pcs
Olive Oil 1 tbsp
Grain Salt 1 tbsp

Sauce Instructions

  1. Roast the habanero peppers, pineapple and garlic
  2. In a molcajete grind the habaneros and garlic together with lime juice and salt
  3. Chop the roasted pineapple, onion and cilantro; add everything to the molcajete
  4. Add olive oil and mix thoroughly
  5. Serve with your favorite tacos!

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