
Facts you didn't know about Habanero peppers

Facts you didn't know about Habanero peppers

What you didn't know about one of the spiciest peppers that exist, the Habanero Pepper. And you, how much do you know? Next, we'll share some more curious facts about Habanero Peppers.

The Habanero pepper is the only chile with a denomination of origin in Mexico, it belongs to the capsicum chinese genus, which includes more than 200 types. This genus is mostly cultivated in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, although it can also be grown around the world.

Nowadays the habanero is vital in Mexican gastronomy, it is the perfect complement to the best Mexican recipes. Officially, it is one of the hottest chiles in the world, and the hottest in Mexico with 100,000 - 350,000 Scoville units. But besides its gastronomic purposes, this chili can also be used in other ways that would never have been imagined.

Here are 10 interesting facts about Habanero peppers that you may not have known:
  1. It cannot stand the cold, the plant by nature warm, stops largely its growth and all its processes if it is less than 13 degrees Celsius in a consecutive several days.
  2. Due to its various properties, it is used in medicine where its components are used to make ointments or salves that help relieve severe pain caused by arthritis.
  3. Used in the chemical industry, primarily to make the base of certain paints, as well as to make some tear gas as a tool for personal defense, since when sprayed it irritates the eyes, causing even temporary blindness.
  4. Is a powerful aphrodisiac. Eating spicy food (capsaicin) causes the brain to send signals that intensify body temperature, causing sweating and release of endorphins.
  5. Benefits of health: It has a good source of vitamin A; in addition to a significant amount of vitamin C and potassium (128 milligrams) strengthening the immune system, they are rich in capsaicin, which is a natural anti-inflammatory.
  6. The most spicy chile produced in Mexico, grown mainly in Yucatan, Baja California Sur, San Luis Potosi, Chiapas, Sonora, Tabasco and Veracruz.
  7. We are pioneers in the Hydroponic Crops of habanero in Nuevo Leon and you can find us in Linares.
  8. The high antioxidant power of the carotenoids detected in this chili could potentially aid in cancer treatment, according to studies conducted by the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
  9. Contains the same amount of vitamin C equivalent to an orange, besides being one of the hottest chili peppers, it does not irritate the stomach.
  10. Habanero chile can regulate insulin levels, especially in people who are overweight. It also helps to lower blood cholesterol.

As we realized it is not only one of the hottest and most indispensable chili peppers in Mexican cuisine, but we can also use it for many other things.

For more information about Habanero pepper click here (and be redirected to our main page).

For more information on hydroponics, clic here (and redirecting you to our main habanero page).

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