
Pico de Gallo

Pico de Gallo

Below you will find our recipe:

Ingredients Qty
Habanero peppers 5 pcs
Lime 5 pcs
Tomato 1 – 2 pza
Red onion 1/2 cup
Serrano chili pepper 1 piece
Cilantro 1/3 cup
Salt To taste


  1. Blend 3 habanero peppers with the juice of 5 lemons. Reserve
  2. In a bowl combine tomato, onion, serrano chili pepper and coriander; finely chopped.
  3. Add the habanero sauce and season with salt; mix thoroughly
  4. If you want more spiciness, add 1-2 habanero peppers finely chopped
  5. Ready! Serve with tortilla chips or any dish you like!

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